The Somerset Forever Fund

Our supporters give to us because they love Somerset. They want their giving to benefit local good causes, change local people’s lives, and make local communities stronger.

The Somerset Forever Fund is a wonderful way to join with others to give back to our county and make a lasting impact in Somerset for generations to come.

Donations to The Somerset Forever Fund are professionally invested to provide us with flexible, sustainable income every year. This income is used to provide vital grants to a diverse range of good causes across Somerset and direct funds where the need is greatest in our communities. This makes it a great way to leave a legacy to the county you care about.

We award funding of around £5 million to 400 local charities every year. But the need we are seeing in our communities is greater than ever.

Our supporters

Founding Donors:

  • Elizabeth Brie
  • Michael and Rosalie Fiennes
  • Angela Yeoman

Why Somerset needs your support – now and for generations to come.

Many of the challenges our communities face today need long-term solutions – and long-term funding – to ensure everyone in Somerset has the opportunity to thrive.

Somerset’s population is ageing faster than the rest of the UK, so we’ll need more support for charities that support the health and wellbeing of older people and help them age well.

To improve the life-chances of local young people, we’ll need to commit long-term funding for initiatives from early childhood through to young adulthood.

And as we look to address the impacts of climate change, we’ll need to invest in building a more sustainable Somerset.

Talk to us about the Somerset Forever Fund

If you’d like to know more about The Somerset Forever Fund and how you, your company or charitable trust could support the Fund, get in touch. We’d be delighted to tell you more.

Kelly Hall (She/Her)
Philanthropy Director (Maternity Cover)
Working days: Mon – Thurs

Making a difference through local giving

Give today or leave a gift in your Will to help more local people in need – now and in the future.

Your gift today will help to fund hundreds of diverse good causes across Somerset, supporting people of all ages to overcome barriers, build happier and healthier lives, and stronger communities.

Your gift will help us provide long-term funding to tackle some of the most pressing challenges our county faces today, tomorrow and for generations to come. 

All donors will get an annual Impact Report showing how your donation has made a difference, with inspiring stories from charities you’ve supported.

Leave a lasting legacy