Grants & Funding
for groups
We run a variety of funding programmes that support around 400 local groups every year. You can read more about our funding programmes for groups below, along with information about how to apply or get support with your application from our friendly team or other local organisations.
All our funding programmes are listed below.
We also run funding programmes that offer grants to individuals.
Before you apply
Before starting your application, please be aware that:
- it doesn’t cost anything to apply for money
- you don’t have to be good at writing to get money from us
- our friendly team will help you if you need extra support, have any accessibility requirements or if English isn’t your first language. You can also contact us if you have any questions, or can’t use our online forms.
You also need to remember that we:
- give most of our money to smaller groups based here in Somerset (but not those in BANES or North Somerset)
- will only be able to support you if your group meets our minimum standards, which can be found in our FAQs.
- can’t support everyone who applies to us. We’re usually able to support around 2 out of every 3 applications we receive.
Need support for your group?
If you’re looking for funding but don’t know where to start, we’ll do our best to help you.
You can contact us and speak with one of our friendly team. Or you can find the contact details for the best member of our team to speak with on each funding programme page.
If your group needs help with other things, you can find details of local organisations who can help you below. This includes running or setting up your group, managing your group’s finances, or making sure everyone is safe through establishing a strong and safeguarding policy.
- If you’re involved with a village hall or community building, you can speak to the CCS Community Buildings Team.
- If you’re involved with a sports club, you can speak to Somerset Sports & Activity Partnership or your national governing body.
- If you’re involved with another type of group, you can speak to Spark Somerset.
- Another good source of support is NCVO.
You can find our minimum standards and everything else you need to know about applying on our FAQs page.