Make a complaint

We provide a high standard of service and welcome constructive comments and recommendations. We’ll respond openly to complaints about our service, a member of staff or trustee.

Making a complaint won’t affect your chances of getting a grant from us now or in the future.

How to make a complaint

Please put your complaint in writing and email it to or send to our CEO, Justin Sargent, at Yeoman House, The Bath and West Showground, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6QN.

To help us deal effectively with your complaint please include:

  • details of what the complaint is about
  • the member(s) of staff or any other people involved
  • when the problem happened and if it’s still happening
  • whether you have spoken to anyone at Somerset Community Foundation informally about your concerns before making a complaint and what actions have been taken, if any
  • relevant paperwork – for example copies of letters.

We’ll keep your right to confidentiality, so please include your name and contact details. We can’t respond to anonymous complaints.

If a complaint involves our Chief Executive you might not want to discuss it with them. So alternatively, write to Michael Samuel, Chair of the Board of Trustees, at the address above marked ‘private and confidential’.

We’ll let you know we’ve received your complaint in seven working days of us getting it.

Illegal activity

If your complaint involves suspected illegal activity, or you’ve been the victim of a crime, please call the police first.

Serious concerns

Serious concerns about governance or mishandling of money can be made to the Charity Commission.

Complaints about fundraising

We’re registered with the Fundraising Regulator and are committed to the highest standards of fundraising practice.

If you’ve made a complaint about our fundraising you feel hasn’t been resolved through our complaints process, you can go through the Fundraising Regulator (England and Wales only).


We’ll handle all the information you give us sensitively, according to data protection requirements.