News & insights

Here you’ll find the latest news on all things philanthropy and funding, as well as updates on our research and blogs written by our team.

Good for business, good for communities, good for Somerset: The power of giving collectively for Somerset businesses

From acorns to oaks: Reflecting on 20 years of partnership with Summerfield Developments

Safeguarding: Why it’s crucial in our funding decisions

A message from our Chief Executive

New brand, same passion for building stronger somerset communities

The importance of research and insights to meeting community needs

Three things that make the Somerset voluntary and community sector special

200 Not Out

If you go into the woods today...

Small things that make a big difference

New hub brings two rural communities together thanks to grant from HPC Community Fund

Community philanthropy in Somerset

A passion for community archaeology rekindled

Supporting young people in these unprecedented times

HPC grants for running costs available for local charities affected by the pandemic

Small Charity Week reminds us why it's vital we continue to support our small charities

How the lessons from a dark and difficult year can help us build a brighter future

When does ‘nice to have’ become essential?

The voluntary sector: Holding together our social fabric