6 November 2024
Surviving Winter appeal launches as Somerset pensioners face fuel poverty

Local charity Somerset Community Foundation has launched their annual Surviving Winter appeal to raise vital funds for low income pensioners struggling with the cost of staying warm, safe and well through the coldest months.
The team at the charity know, from 15 years’ experience of running the appeal, that many of the poorest pensioners will avoid putting their heating on this winter, or they’ll cut back on food to save money. Since the appeal first launched in 2010, over £1.5 million has been donated to Surviving Winter in Somerset, making the world of difference to thousands of people living in our communities. Last year alone, grants totalling just over £157,000 were awarded, benefitting 759 local people.
Kelly Hall, Philanthropy Director at Somerset Community Foundation said: “We estimate that at least 10,000 pensioners in our county are currently living in fuel poverty. And with many older people seeing the removal of their Winter Fuel Payment this winter, many pensioners on low incomes will struggle more than ever. On top of that, we know the cost of heating a home is set to rise again.”
She continues: “However, we’ve already been contacted by a number of people wishing to continue their support, because they recognise how important this appeal is to Somerset. Surviving Winter truly is an appeal built by local people who’ve chosen to help others in financial hardship at their most vulnerable time of year. Many people have told us how much it means to them to be able to support those living in their community – people who may even be a neighbour.”
Around 800 older people in Somerset get help from the Surviving Winter appeal every year, with a cash grant of up to £500 to support their energy bills. A Surviving Winter grant can also provide help for people to buy essential items to stay warm, and access specialist support and social activities in their communities.
Frank*, who received a Surviving Winter grant last year, said: “Last winter I experienced extreme financial hardship. I had run out of oil in our tank and was unable to heat our water and central heating.”
This year, in light of the changes to the Winter Fuel Payment, Somerset Community Foundation is asking donors to consider setting up a monthly donation to help them continue this vitally important work, which will make a huge difference to the lives of hundreds of vulnerable local people.
For Frank, his grant last year was a lifeline: “I went to the Citizens Advice for help, and they gave me a Surviving Winter grant which meant I could buy heating oil and get through the winter. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support in these difficult times. We will be forever grateful for your help.”
Help Somerset Community Foundation to help more older people stay warm, safe and well this winter. No one should have to choose between heating and eating.
If you would like to donate to Surviving Winter, visit www.somersetcf.org.uk/winter or call: 01749 344949 (select option 1. Donation lines are open Monday – Friday between 9am and 5pm).
A donation form is also available to download, where information on which partner organisations deliver Surviving Winter grants can also be found.
*Name has been changed to protect beneficiary’s identity
No one should have to choose between heating and eating.
Help Somerset Community Foundation to help more older people stay warm, safe and well this winter.