31 October 2024

Trail blazing local family raises £10,000 for Somerset charities

One year on, and the team behind the Trash Trail 2023 and the Dragon Trail 2013/14 is making plans for the next fundraising trail.

Last year, families in the Taunton area were invited to enjoy a ‘rubbish day out’ hunting down a trail of colourful ‘trash art’ sculptures, and by doing so helped raise vital funding for local communities and charity groups through grant-making charity, Somerset Community Foundation. The Trash Trail ended in September last year with a charity auction of the trash art sculptures.

Kelly Durdan, who along with her dad, Dave Durdan, masterminded the event last year, told us: “I’m hoping to organise an Elf Trail for Christmas 2025 – again, based in and around Taunton. I’ve got some ideas up my sleeve, and I’m already reaching out to a few people. The details are still a bit hazy, but watch this space!”

Fiona Foster, Senior Philanthropy Manager at Somerset Community Foundation (SCF) said: “Overall, the Trash Trail raised an incredible £10,000 for SCF last year, and donations were awarded as grants to small, local charities in Taunton and west Somerset through SCF.

“A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Trash Trail last year, your support will have a lasting impact on the lives of local people and our communities for years to come. We’re really looking forward to seeing what amazing things Kelly comes up with next year!”

The original Dragon Trail, spearheaded by Dave Durdan in his year as Mayor of Taunton in 2014, raised an incredible £100,000 for Somerset Community Foundation. It has supported over 65 local groups and community projects. The funds raised from the Trail allowed Dave to establish a permanent Charitable Fund – The Fair View Fund – which is managed by Somerset Community Foundation, and continues to benefit the communities of Taunton and West Somerset. And thanks to the additional funds raised through the Trash Trail in 2023 a further 6 local charities and groups have now benefitted from grant funding.

Kelly added: “Thank you so much to everyone who was part of this project: to Steven for making most of our bugs, the artists, the sponsors, every single volunteer, Waste Care for the loan of the beautiful elephant and polar bear, and to the whole Trash Trail team. We’ll be back!”

Dave Durdan was awarded the prestigious High Sheriff Award in September 2024, in recognition of his significant contribution to volunteering and his support of local charities and community groups within Taunton.

Find out more by following the Trash Trail Facebook page or visiting: www.trashtrail.org/

Somerset Community Foundation is a grant-making charity that helps build strong communities where everyone can thrive. They do this by funding local charities and facilitating local giving.

4 people standing, one person sitting, all smiling at the camera, holding an oversized cheque for £10,000

Left to right: Justin Sargent, CEO at Somerset Community Foundation, Kelly Durdan and Dave Durdan (seated) from the Trash Trail, John Holden of Your Partnerships and CABiz, and Fiona Foster with their £10,000 fundraising cheque.